Wednesday, May 20, 2015

You Are Not Your Scars | Lifestyle

It's that time of the year again where I should really be studying for my final exams but instead of doing that, I just sit in my chair, staring off into the distance with so many thoughts and no thoughts at all in my head all at the same time.
Doing that, something fairly important popped into my mind that I just had to share with you guys.

I feel like in today's society, there is so much pressure on every single one of us.
No matter if you're still in school, college or university and expected to both get excellent grades and achieve great things in your after school acitivities like sports or drama, or if you have a job and are expected to fulfill everyone's expectations there, or if you're a parent of two kids and completely stressed out - it seems that all of us have to carry a massive burden around with us, and instead of encouraging us that it's okay to have flaws and to be overwhelmed at times or all the time, if you're like me, our society likes to promote the ideal of a flawless human being that can manage their workload, their family and their social life while looking like an absolute god/goddess.

But that just isn't the truth.

Have a look around - we're all so broken. If you picked one of us up and shook them around, you would hear the rattling of all their broken pieces - pieces they mainly broke themselves.

Because even though I like to blame society for next to everything as much as the next person does, I have to admit that even though we do get influenced by the society we live in, we still get to decided what we let get to us.

And really, we let too much get to us. We let too much bother us.

Who cares if someone thinks I'm dumb because I failed my Maths exam? I certainly don't and as I mentioned, it is my exam we're talking about, not theirs, so they should in no way be able to influence the way I think about it.
Who cares that I'm crying on public transport? Come on, we've all had those rough days where everything goes wrong, from pouring milk over yourself during breakfast to losing a bunch of important papers to getting into a fight with someone at work over a stupid little thing. And then you put in your headphones and want to chill out to some music, and the saddest song in your playlist comes on - how can you not have a breakdown?

And believe me, while there surely are quite a few people who love to torture and torment you for those things - mainly to forget about their own insecurities, the majority of them will know exactly how you feel in the situation you are in and want to pat your back and tell you that everything is going to be fine and all the things that seem huge and horrible now will eventually pass.

The point I was trying to get across here is that yes, you have learnt that all of the situations I mentioned above (and a lot more) will make you come off as a flawed, scarred human being - but that is what we all are.
Even Beyoncé has days where she would like to hide underneath a blanket, and I'm sure not everyone is fond of the ways she lives her life, and hey, that's okay.

I think we need to remember that even though we might think that we are the only ones who feel like this, we're not.
I don't think that there is one single person on this planet who thinks that they have it all figured out, who is so confident in what they do that what everyone else thinks about them doesn't get to them in the slightest.
And that's what makes us all the same, the doubts, the insecurities, the darkness - they make us human, because to be human is to feel every emotion, even those.

It's okay to feel this way, to sometimes feel out of order and completely overwhelmed, we just can't let it take over our lives. We can't let our scars define us.
Because even though they are part of who we are, they aren't us.


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