Friday, May 22, 2015

What To Do When You're Stressed Out | Lifestyle

I feel like the subject of stress and anxiety has been appearing on my blog a lot recently - I also spoke about it in Wednesday's post - and I guess that's because how much stuff that I'm not going to bore you with has been going on in my life for the past few weeks.
Basically, I'm a stressed out wreck right now.

I've always had a few ways I dealt with stress, not all of which were all too healthy, but I feel like I have developed and figured out some great techniques regarding stress-relief and as it's final exams season right now, I felt like sharing them with you - and if you're not a student anymore, they might still help you unwind after a tough day!

1. Take A Bath

This one's a classic - but come on, there is nothing more relaxing than a hot bath with a bath bomb of your choice - I usually get mine at Lush, but there's plenty of places that sell them!
 Closing your eyes for a couple of minutes and letting the warmth of the water relax your muscles and the scent of the bath bomb feel the room can work wonders when you're feeling stressed out.

2. Make A To-Do List

I often find myself feeling very overwhelmed by all the things that I should be getting done when I'm stressed out, which, of course, stresses me even more.
You can avoid that by writing down all the things that you have to do and ticking them off one by one - that way, you'll be even more satisfied when you've gotten something done and you will see the list getting smaller and smaller!

3. Give Yourself A Break

I know that this might be the last thing you would want to do when you feeling like there is a million and one things to do, but try to find ten minutes to just sit down, put up your feet and take a deep breath - maybe make yourself a cup of tea or a small snack.
You're not going to feel any better if  you keep hurrying from one thing you've got to do to another, so why don't you just give yourself a teeny-tiny amount of "me" time? Those ten minutes certainly aren't going to make a difference to your time schedule, but they will for your health.

4. Reward Yourself

If you've studied really hard for your final exams, it's totally fine to reward yourself with a little something like that cute shirt you've wanted for a while or even some coffee or a donut by the time you're finally done with them - same goes for all kinds of things that stress you out.
You've done good kid, it's okay to reward yourself for getting through this tough time.

And, as always:

5. Remember That It'll Pass

Even though you might be feeling like this period of stress will never end and that you will never be able to breathe freely again, remember that like everything in life, this too shall pass.
Work might've been horrible this week or even the past month, but remind yourself everyday that the future is unwritten and the next one will probably be better, and the one after that will be even better than the last, and so on.

How do you deal with situations that stress you out?


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