Friday, May 15, 2015

Beauty Advice I Wish I'd Listened To | Beauty

There are quite a few things learnt best through trial and error, and I wholeheartedly believe that make up falls into that category.

I mean, we've all gone through phases of wearing sticky lipgloss, smudged eyeliner that made us look like pandas and concealers that left us looking bright orange - and that's normal, right?
Please tell me I'm not the only one who has those phases documented in family photos. I cringe every single time I look at them. Why.

While I definitely started figuring this whole make up thing out over the years, I feel like there are a few pieces of beauty advice that would have saved me a lot of hassle had I listend to them - but no, my twelve year old me was obviously a lot smarter than that. 

1. Suprise, suprise - you can actually ask the lovely ladies at the counters in stores to match your skin to a shade of your desired concealer or foundation. Months and months spent looking orange could've been avioded.

2. Just because a certain skin care product works for someone else, it might not necessary work for you - in fact, it will probably make your insanely sensitive skin break out in a rash that'll keep you company for a while. Just ask an expert - they'll certainly know what they're doing more than you ever will.

3. Make up shouldn't be something you hide behind - it should be a way for you to express yourself and to highlight all those little things you like about yourself.

4. You can't just smudge your eyeliner into your eyeshadow and call it a "smokey eye". It's not a smokey eye, it's simply a mess and certainly not a good look.

5. Having a good diet will show in your hair, nails, but most importantly, your skin.

6. Wear sunscreen. This is so, so important. I don't know what I was thinking when I purposely exposed my skin to the sun for hours on end. That my extremely pale skin would magically get a glowing tan? Well, it certainly didn't. In fact, it often peeled off completely.
Don't do this to yourself, friends.

7. Do not use make up wipes to remove your make up. Like, ever.
They will not remove the majority of your make up, but what they'll do is help you spread all kinds of nasty germs across your face - and you wouldn't want that, right?

8. Simply washing your hair every other day just won't cut it in a few years time - if you don't look after it and keep damaging by using heat on it frequently, you will leave it being dry and damaged, and if you're really unlucky, it might even fall out. You don't want to go throught that. Believe me.

9. This kind of goes hand in hand with number three - never wear make up just to impress someone else. If they really are worth it, they will love you with all those small imperfections you cover.
Wear make up for yourself, and only for yourself.

10. Bold lips can be really scary - they're hard to apply and if they smudge or end up on your teeth, you will feel like crying out of sheer frustration, but all that fuss is so worth it.
A bold lip definitely is an eye catcher - and lets be real here, it makes you feel really kick ass.

That is only a few of the thing that I have swarming around my head when I look at those disastrous old photos of myself - I bet there's a lot more things I could've covered, but let's be honest, none of you would've had the nerve to read all that.

What is some beauty advice that you wish you'd listened to?

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  1. Bold lips makes me feel like such a bad ass. I've lucky always had really good experiences with it.

    1. I love bold lips as well! They make me feel like I can conquer the whole world! x

  2. I'm glad I have never been in "orange face" situations in my life :D
    It's such a great post, made me smile few times when some of your points reminded me my makeup&beauty fails.

    1. Oh you can be really glad you didn't go through and orange phase, it was horrible, haha.
      And that's so nice to hear! :)


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