Friday, December 30, 2016

A Reflection on 2016 & What's to Come

Time for another story of my failures: I really wanted to write a reflection post on the past year and, me being me, I kept telling myself "Ah, I still have so much time to write that". Yeah, well, I lied.
 I somehow failed to realise that tomorrow is New Year's Eve - what?
This year has been a blur. I know this is such a cliché thing to say, but it truly has flown by - this is especially true for the past few months, beginning with the start of senior year.

So, now that I'm set down with my coffee, I think it's time to look back on this year, on the good, the bad, and the ugly.


Friday, December 23, 2016

My Christmas Eve Make Up

It's Christmas break, which means I'm finally a free woman and have some free time to devote to my blog!
Seriously y'all, I felt so bad whenever I thought about my blog during the past month, but I was so overwhelmed with all of my final exams, my thesis and projects that I found less and less time to produce content for you, and I didn't want to put any half-arsed posts out there because believe me, you would've realised how little time I put into them from the get-go.

Now, here in Germany, most families celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve, as does mine, so I wanted to plan out my make up for tomorrow in advance and share it with you guys.
However, there's a really fun twist to this - I got food poisoning earlier this week and am still not feeling completely normal yet, so I created this look less than an hour ago and am now writing this post wrapped up in a blanket with a hot water bottle, back to the dark circles that almost reach my nose.
So glamurous.

However, enough of my whining, and let's get to the important part - the make up!


Thursday, December 8, 2016

45 Good Things That Happened Last Week

Life can be pretty rough. I think most of us will be able to relate to feeling like everything is going wrong and not being able to do anything to change that, a feeling of helplessness, a feeling of defeat.

I've been having some of those minor crisises lately - but hey, what are final exams without your life falling apart at least three times? - and I know I can say for myself that when I've falled into one of my mood holes, I'm often quick to see the world through some really dark glasses.

However, I saw a really nice idea that one of my fellow bloggers had - I saw about this on Twitter and even though I was so sure I had saved the post, I someshow didn't, so please tell me who this was!
She wrote an entire post all about the good things that had happened to her within the space of a week, and I thought that this was such a lovely idea to remind myself, and even others, to see the big picture and remember all the good things that happen even when you think everything sucks.

Because of that I decided to write down every single, small good thing that happened during the past week - and now I finally have the time to share my list with you guys!

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