Wednesday, May 6, 2015

15 Very Real Girl Problems | Lifestyle

Being a girl - or woman - is hard.
There, I said it.

Whenever I drop that sentence, just about every single male human being around me seems to groan and have a good five reasons on hand as to why being a man is even harder.

Well, lovely fellow male citizens, I put together a list of very real problems that I, and probably a lot of other females, face almost every single day to enlighten you.
And if you, like me, are a girl who struggles with what feels like just about everything, let's just laugh at how miserable we are together.

1. Desperately wanting a new haircut, thinking about what it should look like for months, and once you actually take the plunge and get half your beautiful locks cut off, you end up absolutely hating it - hating yourself as well, because how could you be this stupid?

2. The one day you actually make the effort to straighten or curl you hair, it's raining like there's no tomorrow. 

3. You are very good at applying eyeliner - but only on one of your eyes. You're always sporting the perfect cat eye on that one, but the other eye just ends up looking like a black, smudge mess.

4. Same goes for eyebrows. You might as well just give up now, one of them is always going to look weird.

5. Your skin looks pretty decent for around a month or so - but only until you want to go out one evening. Then you'll have your entire face erupting in a rash.
Excuse me, I thought my early-teenage acne days had gone?

6. Guys always think that we know nothing about sports, especially football.
I mean, my Dad is a huge football fan, and I sometimes feel like I get more into it than my brother does.
Leave, and please take your stereotypes with you.

7. Expecting your nails to have dried around fifteen minutes after you've painted them, only to smudge them somewhere.

8. Realizing that with spring and summer comes the need to shave at least every second day. Oh, the pain.

9. "I'll only pick up some cotton pads and toothpaste." - Leaves an hour later, having spend 40€ on make up that's absolutely unnecessary.

10. Having a different clothing size in every single store. There is no way that in one store, an XS shirt seems to fit just fine, and in another I will have to get an M.
What is this.

11. Chosing an outfit in the morning is impossible. Changing two or three times before you leave the house in the morning is considered normal.

12. Creepin' really hard on someones Instagram and accidentally liking a photo they put up half a year ago. Don't pretend this hasn't happened to you.

13. Losing hair grips and bobbles all the time. Like, one time I purchased twenty of each, and I have managed to lose all of them.
Were did they all go? I hope they are okay.

14. People assuming that it's "that time of the month" when you're acting snarky.
Nope, sorry. That's just my moody personality.

15. Feeling like you own a dog, or a cat, or both because you keep finding hair absolutely everywhere. And I mean literally everywhere. Why am I losing this much hair at the age of sixteen. I'm scared.

Dear male readers, I hope you didn't take this one too personally. I didn't write this post to offend you or play the things you struggle with down, I just wanted to point some, admittely quite hilarious, daily struggles of us females. Maybe you even got a laugh out of it too, as this is what I mainly tried to achieve.

And if you're one of my female readers, please tell me that I'm not completely alone with my struggles here and just completely failing at life.



  1. You did such a good job - I was reading and laughing out loud how true this things are ;)
    This post is right on point ;)

    If you'd like you could check out my new blog - I'd be honored ;)

    1. Thank you so much!
      And I'll definitely check you blog out. x


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