Friday, May 8, 2015

An Ode To My Mom

Judging by the title of this post, you might've thought that I wrote this as mother's day is this Sunday, but that is actually not the case.

I had an idea for this kind of post as today is the birthday of just about the most important person in my life - my mother.

Now, you can't see her face here as she doesn't like being all out there on the internet for everyone to see, but instead you have an impression of what we do best - enjoying delicious food.

I know quite a few people who have a friendly, but kind of neutral realtionship with their mother, but in my case, it's anything but that. I feel like my Mom and I have a very deep bound, and as I feel like through writing, I can express my feelings and thoughts better, I wrote this letter.

Dear Mom,

thank you so much, for all the great things you do for me, but especially for all the tiny gestures, like remembering that I talked about that one chocolate bar and buying it for me, or encouraging me before an exam.

I feel like when I was younger, I didn't really realize how much you sacrificed for me, my brother, and our family as a whole, but now I do, and it leaves me without words.
You're the most selfless person that I know, always putting everyone before yourself - even though I keep going on about how important it is to be selfish sometimes and do what's best for you, and only you.

I know that both of us are stubborn little humans with quite a bit of temperament, so sometimes we tend to lock horns with one another, but I also know that we always end up making up at some point or another, and I guess that's what makes us not only mother and daughter, but also best friends.

Thank you so much for all the things you've taught me, not only stuff like baking and cooking and sewing, but also really important thoughts and ideas, like "There are only two things in life you won't need to chase - true love, and true friendship." and the fact that if I want to live life the way I want to one day, I have to give my best every single day and try to make the most of academic career as possible - even though it might seem horrible most days.

To refer to those "great things" that you've done for me I mentioned earlier, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have done all the unbelieveable and incredible things that I got to do over the past year.
When I got the chance to go to America, I hesitated because I knew how much money (and nerves) that would cost you, but you didn't even take a second to decide that I should, because you knew that that was a once-in-a-lifetime sorta deal for me.
Not to mention that you helped me renovated and furnish my own apartment - I mean, what sixteen year old gets to live in their very own place?

You might not think highly off yourself, or think that you're anything special, but to me, you're a star, Mom.
You're the reason that I grew up to be the person that I am today, and I couldn't be more proud to call you my mother.

I love you to the moon and back.


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