Wednesday, March 4, 2015

12 things I'd tell my 12 year old self

Have you ever found an old diary of yours and spent hours reading all the entries?
I know I have. 
This past weekend, I found the diary I'd kept from the ages of seven to around thirteen, and I spent a good two hours reading it and shedding a tear or two - and not only because it was so cringe worthy.

I noticed that most of my diary entries were from when I was twelve years old, and they made me think about what I would tell my twelve year old self if I could.

As I've seen a few bloggers do this sort of post, I thought it'd be nice to share them with you.

1. In a few years time, you will still be friends with a lot of the people who are your friends now, but there will also be quite a few people who will leave you.
If you look closely, you should already be able to tell who those people are right now.

2. You do not suit red lipstick. I know they say "don't knock it 'til you try it" - but please do yourself a favor and don't even try.

3. I know you're suffering with really bad acne right now, and I know you won't believe me, but in four years time most of your classmates will be as well - and your skin will be a lot better than theirs (except for the ocassional breakout, which you can't avoid, and that's okay.)

4. Don't give up on something if you really want it, but don't just wish for it to happen, either.
Work for it.

5. Blood definitely is thicker than water, even though you'd roll your eyes at this.

6. Baking is fun, but when you're sixteen, you will move out and not have learnt to cook anything besides pasta, and that is really embarassing.

7. You will lose some people you love, including your grandpa and your best friend.
Please don't take their presence for granted.

8. Enjoy your free time while you still have it - once you enter sophomore year, it's gone for good.

9. Keep telling yourself that you won't, but you will still be in love with the boy you were in love with back in 2011 four years later.

10. Always be nice first, because you can always be mean later. But once you've been mean to someone, they won't believe the nice anymore. So be nice, be nice, until it's time to stop being nice - then destroy them. (Laurell K. Hamilton)

11. Don't try to grow up too fast because it might seem fun now, but being an adult is so much more than drinking every weekend and living on your own - it's a lot of responsibilities, work and organisation.

12. There will never be a time when music won't take away your pain.

Alright, I've never done a post like this before, so please let me know whether you liked it!

Thank you so much for reading!



  1. I love things like this x

  2. Hahaha #2 made me laugh so much. Red lipstick does not suit me either! Honestly some of my diaries were heartbreaking, I read through them when I was like 18 and threw them all out because I was so mean to myself and confused and I hated being reminded of it. I wish we could realise at the time it gets better!

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