Friday, March 27, 2015

20 Things That Make Me Happy

It is Friday, the 27th of March - to a lot of high school students like me, that random date sounds like music - because it's the start of spring break!

The past week has been absolutely great for me, I've been in a good mood every single day which probably scared my Mom as she likes to point out how grumpy I sometimes am - my Dad, however, probably blamed it on my hormones.

Anyhow, being that happy and at ease made me think about something - what are some of the things 
that make me feel that great?

As y'all seemed to like the last list I shared with you (you can find that here), I decided to put together 20 of the things that make me smile and never fail to put me in a good mood.

1. Going for walks on warm summer evenings.

2. Discovering a new book and getting completely lost in it.

3. Friends who make you forget about all your troubles for a while when you spend time with them.

4. Eating a huge bowl of ice cream all by myself and not feeling bad about that in the slightest.

5. Wearing a bold lipstick and feeling like I'm ready to kick ass.

6. Going on rollercoasters and screaming on top of my lungs.

7. Snuggling up with a hot chocolate, a thick blanket and fuzzy socks on a cold winter day.

8. Digging out some brighter colours, no matter if clothes or make up, once spring rolls around.

9. Bumping into friends I haven't seen in ages by suprise.

10. Taking hour long baths with candles and a Lush bath bom. (totally just did that.)

11. Getting up and looking out of the window to feel the sunshine and its warmth on my face.

12. Puppies and kittens. Enough said.

13. Taking a stand and actually voicing my opinion, because, believe it or not, I might come across as tough and loud-mouthed, but I can be such a chicken shit.

14. Helping someone become better at something and seeing a smile on their face.

15. People who challenge me to become a better version of myself.

16. Taking my Mom out for a girl's day shopping downtown.

17. Waking up on Saturday morning thinking that I have to get up and realizing that I have the day off and can doze off into dreamland again.

18. People who smile at you when you walk past them - that little gesture just make me feel all warm and fuzzy.

19. Watching Pretty Little Liars. Yep, that's a thing. It's just that show that I'll turn to when I feel down because I'll still get excited about all the mysteries to solve after five freaki' years.

20. You guys. And I'm by no means trying to be cheesy, I just want you to know how much I appreciate your support. When I started this blog just about two months ago, I'd never thought that so many people would comment on what I've got to say and even follow me. This blog has easily become one of my happy places.

To be honest, I thought that this would take me quite some time to write because usually, whenever I get a great idea and want to note it down, my brain has some kind of meltdown.
But this wasn't hard at all.
I feel like, over the past few years, I've managed to become a much, much happier person and I've started finding joy in the little things.
Who thought I'd actually start reflecting on my life all of a sudden!

I hope that maybe one of the things on my list made you smile, or that my list made you think about what makes you happy and realize how far you've come.

Thank you so much for reading!


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