Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Making A House A Home | Lifestyle

As some of you may know, I'm actually moving out of my parent's place and into my first very own apartment at the moment!
I feel like I'm actually doing the adult thing - well, at least kind off. I'll still live in the same building as my family, so I'm not completely out of the nest just yet, but I'll live a few stories down from them and, well, have my own space to deal with.

Now, while most of my friends find that incredibly exciting - I mean, I do too, obviously - they probably haven't realized what comes with moving out.

And I'm not only talking chores like cooking for yourself or having to do the dishes every single day because you can't afford a dishwasher (be still my beating heart).

The most exciting (and at the same moment, at least to me, insanely stressful) part of this entire project is getting to pick what I, and only I want my apartment to look like.

While most of my furniture has already arrived and even been built, for the artist inside me, the decorations are what either make or break the atmosphere of an entire room.

I've been window shopping for decorations for a few weeks now, eyeing up some different ways to add that finishing touch to all the empty spaces, and I want to share a few of my favorite items with you!

1. Wall Art

I used to be completely oblivious as to how people could get so super fussy about stuff like wall art, but I've got to admit that I've actually become one of those people, because looking at the completely empty wall space in my apartment makes me feel awful, haha.
I was looking for art to go with the colour scheme of certain rooms, so obviously, not all of those might be the ones for you, but the places I found those have so, so much more incredible wall art that you're bound to find something you like.
I am so in love with the wall art Urban Outfitters has to offer, most of them are more on the simple side, but still incredibly beautiful. They're pretty cheap as well!
The art over on however, is a little more on the pricy side, but still a rather fair price (believe me, I've seen plenty, cough, atrocious works for three or four times their price). If you're looking for minimalistic art, definitely check the one has to offer out!

2. Pillows

I feel like pillows are a cute way to spice up a room without being too out there, while also donating to your comfort.
There's a lot of different variations, and while I'm more of a monochrome kind of gal, has a lot of very pretty colorful patterns available, while Urban Outfitters are rocking the black and white ones. Both of these are a little more pricy, however, you can expect pretty darn good quality for your money.
If you're looking for some cheaper options, you should go hit up Ikea as they have a huge variety as well!

3. Candles

It's not like I already own four or five candles - is that bad? Nope, because in my opinion, you can never have enough of them.
I love the atmosphere a lighted candle creates, especially if it gives of a scent - that's why I'm all about Yankee Candles!
But there's also a few candles that go through as decorations because of their super cute packaging, like the Urban Outfitters one- if you're wiling to pay the slightly hefty price tag.
If you live in Germany, XXXLutz has got your back on this one, though. They've got lots of pretty little tealight holders like the one I picked out, and they all cost less than a fiver!

Fake Flowers

10. Decoflower Tulips; Amazon 9,99€  |  11. Leonardo Mangolia; Höffner 6,95€  | 

My love for fake flowers might have developed while admiring other blogger's interior or looking at inspiration posts.
I, like most people, probably wouldn't be able to keep a bunch of flowers alive for more than a week, but all of these are cheap and stay pretty for as long as you feel like keeping them!
I feel like these tulips I found on Amazon would go well on either my dressing table or bedside table.
The Mangolia is available at Höffner, so if you're from Germany, you will probably have one of those near you - so there's no excuse to not pick them up, they're a bargain!
Last but not least, I stumbled upon the miniature plants a lot when I went shopping last week, and I absolutely adore them. They would definitely spice up a shelf in my kitchen or living room!

Obviously, there's so much stuff I could talk about, but this post has gotten pretty long already.
I'll try to keep you guy updated with the process I'm making at making my house apartment a home!

What are some ways you like to spice up your room?

Thank you so much for reading!



  1. Plants and candles definitely make a better atmosphere. Lovely post :)

    Sarah |

    1. I know, right? I will probably never have enough of 'em. Thank you :)


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