Friday, April 21, 2017

My Love/Hate Relationship with 13 Reasons Why

Trigger warnings for this post: sexual assault and suicide.

In case you missed it - if you did, how? - "13 Reasons Why" has been all over the internet for the past few weeks. Everyone and their mother (and probably the family dog) has watched it and is discussing it on social media as well as in real life so naturally, I wanted to see what all that talk was about.

The eponymous book was a mandatory read for my class in 8th grade, so I already knew the outline of the story. In case you don't, let me enlighten you:
"13 Reasons Why" starts off with Clay Jensen, a junior in high school, receiving a box which contains audiotapes. When he inserts them into a cassette recorder, his life changes forever. What's on these tapes isn't music, it's Hannah Baker's voice. Hannah Baker was a friend of Clay's - was, because Hannah committed suicide after she had recorded the tapes in the box. On these tapes, she explains the reasons why she ended her life, all of which are connected to certain people who were once part of it - 13 in total. All of these people are to receive the box containing the tapes in a certain order, or else the tapes will be published - which would be fatal for people mentioned on them.

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