Thursday, October 22, 2015

Life Lately - Where Have I Been?

I've tried to sort out my thoughts over and over before sitting down to write this post, debating whether or not to just whack out a normal kind of post or actually adress the elephant in the room.

It's about time I call myself out on this - I've been really absent from my blog lately. It's been on my mind constantly, but I was - and still am - so overrun with what life has been throwing at me lately that I pushed it back to the far corner of my brain, where it stayed, reminding me that I'm really neglecting my blog.

And I didn't disappear all too voluntarily - I tried to sit down to write every now and then, if I was to actually find the time to, but to be honest, I either just sat there, starring at my screen and hoping that the words would somehow magically start coming out of my fingertips (they never did) or literally just falling asleep out of sheer exhaustion.

So, what has been keeping me on my toes over the past few weeks?

Well, for one, you might know that I started school again back in mid September, which started off rather slowly and then, all of a sudden, hit me damn hard. Hard as in, I spend around eight to ten hours at school each day and then come home to another two to four of homework and preparation, which means that I hardly even see the sun anymore, nor do I get remotely enough sleep - which has lead me to apparently pay Starbucks one too many visits as the baristas are starting to recognize me. 

Besides that, I also started to work more - two seperate jobs, might I add - in order to A, pay for my growing coffee addiction, and more seriously, to earn the pile of money that I'll need in order to visit my friends all the way in America next summer. 

And, on top of that, I was lucky unfortunate enough to make my year's swimming course, which means that I hardly ever shower at home anymore because I spend a lot of evenings and/or weekends at the swimming pool in order to practise - because let me tell you, the requirements to score high are absolutely insane. I kid you not, I had to swim 25 meters yesterday - underwater. Holding my breath the entire time. And it was a god damn near death experience - but that's a story for another post.

So now that I've been crying you guys a river about how damn stressful my life is, I probably seem like the whiniest person alive. No lie, I probably am - I kind of love complaining, and it did feel really great to just vent and get all of this off my chest because it has been getting heavier with each day and started to feel like it was suffocating me.

I know that I'm not the only one this is happening to, but that voice inside my head often tells me to man the hell up because there's a lot of people who have more on their plate an appear to be dealing just fine - which, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, leaves me feeling pretty guilty.
I mean, I've basically been neglecting my child.

I have, however, picked up on my notes again and am currently working on a few new ideas I want to share on this blog, and as soon as Sunday rolls around, I should be back on my original schedule, which is Wednesday - Friday - Sunday, again.

Thank you so much if you sticked with me through not only this rant-y post, but also the past few weeks. I'll try to make up for all the lost time in the near future - even more so than you might think right now.

Keep your eyes peeled!


1 comment

  1. Lovely post! If you want, we can to follow each other on bloglovin! Just follow me here and I'll follow you back! ♥


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