Friday, December 30, 2016

A Reflection on 2016 & What's to Come

Time for another story of my failures: I really wanted to write a reflection post on the past year and, me being me, I kept telling myself "Ah, I still have so much time to write that". Yeah, well, I lied.
 I somehow failed to realise that tomorrow is New Year's Eve - what?
This year has been a blur. I know this is such a cliché thing to say, but it truly has flown by - this is especially true for the past few months, beginning with the start of senior year.

So, now that I'm set down with my coffee, I think it's time to look back on this year, on the good, the bad, and the ugly.

When looking at the big picture, you realise that 2016 has been a truly horrible year.
There were so many catastrophes, so many horrifying acts, so many deaths that I cannot even remember all of them. It's such a sad things to think about, but it is true.

2016 has been the year when I actually got sick of turning on the news. It hurt me physically.
From civil wars to the one that is still raging in Syria; to terroristic attacks such as the ones in Brussels, Nizza and Berlin as well as those happening in the Middle East and Africa that we often don't hear about in the news; to the deaths of so many inspiring celebrities that have had an incredible impact on both my life as well as on the lives of millions of people all over the world - David Bowie, Muhammad Ali and Carrie Fisher, to name three of them, or Roger Cicero and Miriam Pielhau, two German celebrities who empowered and inspired me.

2016 is the year of people both taking on more and more extremist political views or giving up on politics altogether. It is the year that Donald Trump is elected as the next president of the United States. It is the year of the Brexit.

Yes. 2016 was a year that was harsh on many of us, a year that brought so much pain and suffering.

However, I'm not someone who sees the world in black and white.
I'm a firm believer of being able to find good in the times of suffering. The world is hardly ever just black and white. It is a grey zone most of the time.
Thinking back to this year doesn't only leave me hurting.

I almost feel bad saying this, simply because of  how hard this year was for many, but to me, 2016 was also a year of many great things happening.

I have never travelled more than I have this year. I was fortunate enough to be able to travel both within Germany as well as to visit Rome and the Canary Islands. I've learned so much while being away, I have discovered so many great places this planet has to offer that left me in woe and feeling both small and incredibly tall at the same time. I'm so thankful that I was able to make these incredible experiences that will stay with me forever.

I also feel like I've actually managed to battle my social awkwardness a lot this year - I mean, a while ago I actually made my Mom order at restaurants for me. It was bad.
I'm still not an overly outgoing person, I suppose I'll always be shy when first meeting new people, but I'm working towards getting better and better.
I think I've overall gotten better at practicing self-care, which is something I've also always struggled with.

I also decided to dedicate more time to my blog at the beginning of this year after being absent for most of November and December in 2015 (see a pattern there? History repeats itself when I sit my finals. Sorry about that.) - best decision ever! Through joining The Girl Gang, a network of bloggers founded by the lovely Jemma, I met so many amazing people and made some great friends, such as Hannah, Aisha and Jemma herself. Thank you for making my 2016 great, girls!
I've also had the opportunity to work with some great brands, which was a lot of fun and something I'd definitely do again.

As I said, life isn't black and white. There were some pretty heavy setbacks and events I'd like to forget in my personal life as well, such as a friend of mine that I haven't talked to for a while getting into a terrible car crash. That really put life into perspective for me - he could have died, and there were so many things left unsaid between us, it would have torn me apart, too. Always tell people you love them, you don't know when you'll be seeing them for the last time.

I think it's very hard to draw a conclusion from this year. It was a lot to take in.
Is it possible for a year to be both good and bad at the same time? If it is, this was just that.
I'm nevertheless greatful that I'm still sitting here and able to write this very post because every new year brings a new uncertainty, everything could happen.

I actually don't have proper resolutions for the new year.
The most important points are graduating as well as staying sane at the same time. Might sound funny, but academics can be hell, as most of you will know.
Besides that, my only wishes are to spend more time with the people I love - I sometimes tend to shut myself away from others - as well as travelling even more. The travel bug truly bit me this year and I cannot wait to see more of the world.

Here's to 2017.
I hope it will be everything you hoped this year would be until this year turned out to be a fraud.
I hope you all have a good and safe start into the new year celebrating the fact that you survived this one, and I wish all of you reading this the best possible new year.



  1. Aawww thank you so so so much to including me! The Girl Gang now is a great part of my life and I met so many lovely people, like you!! This years was amazing for me as I graduated and your seems great too as you travel a lot :) I wish you a wonderful 2017 for you as a blogger and for your personal life !! xx

  2. What a truly incredible post. I really admire how honest you are, but I also love the fact that you try to see the positives in every situation. That's exactly how I am too! I'm glad to hear that you had so many highlights, despite the tragedies that occurred regularly in 2016.

    It's a fresh, new year now and one we must look forward to.

    All the best, Fran!

    Jade x |


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