Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My Very First Liebster Award!

I always enjoy reading people's Liebster Award posts as it's a fun way to find smaller bloggers, but I never thought that someone would actually nominate me for one!
The lovely Rayne, who runs - a blog I've been really enjoying, did it anyway.

Here are the questions she set for me.

1. If you could choose one super power, what would it be?

This is such a hard one. Now, I'd love to be able to be able to fly, but something else that I'd find super cool would be the ability to be invisible - I'd prank so many people, slip out of class unnoticed, maybe grab a piece of someone's pizza...

2. What is your favorite quote?

I'm one of those people who save every quote they like when they come across it, so really, I could plaster my room's walls with them.
But my favorite one to date is;
"Be soft. Do not let the world make your hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.
Take pride that even though the world might disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place."

3. If you had the option to go back in time and change anything, would you? And what would you change?

I definitely would. I would stay with my grandpa for so much longer than I did when I last saw him - and I was in America when he passed away. I would go back and thank him for being a part of my life, for everything that he did for me, and tell him to not be afraid.

4. What is your best "feel good" song?

I'm currently really loving Fall Out Boy's cover of "Uptown Funk" as well as Meghan Trainor's "Lips Are Movin". Both of this songs make dance no matter where I am - I'm not even ashamed when dancing on public transport anymore. alright, maybe a little

5.  If you had to have eyeshadow tattooed onto your eyelids, what color would you choose? (And nude is not an option!)

Bummer, I was gonna say Urban Decay's Naked, haha.
As I'm all about Urban Decay's eyeshadows at the moment, I'd probably go with either Bootycall or Chopper from the Naked 2 - both of which I featured in my last FOTD - or Liar from the Naked 3.

6.  If you could have dinner with 3 people, dead or alive, who would they be?

First and foremost, Misha Collins. He is an actor on Supernatural, on of my favorite TV shows, but he's so much more than that. He works with Random Acts of Kindness, is a really good father and an all over adorable human being.
Troian Bellisario, who's an actress - she is Spencer Hasting in ABC's Pretty Little Liars, aka the show that has taken over my life. I look up to her a lot and I'd give anything to talk to her someday.
Lastly, Joe Sugg, who has a Youtube Channel called ThatcherJoe. Joe comes across as a witty, clever young man - someone who I'd be really interested to get to know were I to meet them in real life. 

7. Favorite animal?

This is a tie between cats and dogs - everyone I know loves one and hates the other.
Yeah, I'm not about that life. I adore both cats and dogs.

8. Whose life on TV/ a movie would you take if you could?
If I'm being honest, I'd love to take John Watson's place on BBC's Sherlock. So much adventure and excitement.

9. Favorite restaurant?

Definitely The Cheescake Factory! I have a blogpost about my time in America going up tomorrow where I talk more about it.

10. Which three items would you take to take to a deserted island?

A book - alright, go ahead and tell me I'm lame, chocolate and my teddy bears.

11. If your house was burning down and all humans and animals were safe, which item would you grab?

One of my families photo books - even more if I could. We have so many memories in those that no money in the world could replace.

To complete The Liebster Award you need to:

- Nominate 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers
- Come up with 11 questions of your own
- Let them know they've been nominated via their blog/twitter
- enjoy their responses!

My questions for you:

1. What is your comfort food?
2. What is one thing you get really passionate about?
3. Are you more of a summer or a winter person?
4. Why did you first start your blog?
5. Who are three people who inspire you?
6. Name one item that's currently on your wishlist.
7. What was your dream career growing up?
8. You are free to do everything you want to do tomorrow, even if it would technically be impossible (like going ice fishing if you live in California) What do you do?
9. What is one thing you can't live without?
10. What lipstick color would you never dare to wear?
11. What is the most exciting thing you have ever done?

I nominate:
1. Lydia
2. Laura
3. Emily
8. Summa
10. Ellie
11. Sarah

This was so much fun to complete, even though it took quite a while.
Have fun answering your questions!

Thank you so much for reading!



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