Friday, November 6, 2015

Why It's Important To Love Yourself First | Lifestyle

If you are one of the people who happened to meet me for the first time this year, I'm probably a bubbly, happy go lucky person in your eyes. A girl with a tongue so sharp she might cut herself on it, always a witty comment on hand to make those around her laugh.

But that wasn't the case all the time.

Like a lot of pre-teens, I was pretty darn miserable from the ages of twelve to around fourteen or fifteen.
It's that time in a lot of young girls' lifes when they realize that there are plenty of other fish in the pond, and damn, they're so much better at everything they do.

I used to compare myself to others my age a lot, even when, quite frankly, my life was not half as bad as I made it seem to myself.
But how could I be satisfied when that one girl had such a pretty face? When my crush's new girlfriend had such a nice body? When I was getting beat even at my favorite sport?
And if that wasn't bad enough, we all know that kids are horrible, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who had even more horrible things thrown at their head - right in my face, or even worse,  things voiced behind my back.

And because I know from talking to friends and family, I'm definitely not the only one who was once stuck in that kind of situation (even though I definitely believed myself to be), I'm left wondering why the hell all of us keep putting others and even more so, ourselves down instead of building ourself up.

If, back then, someone told me about self-love, I would've probably laughed. In my eyes, if there was anything loveable about me, someone would certainly love me, but as I felt so alone a lot of the time (even though I was and to this day still am friends with some of the most amazing people), that couldn't have been the case.

Looking back at it, I can feel a migrane coming on. Sometimes, I wish I could go back in time and tell myself that obviously, you'll get knocked down by life every once in a while, but eventually you'll have to get up, and the amount of time you spend lying in the dirt is entirely up to you. No one will drag you up with all their force. They will try, but the most important person in that progess is you.

Putting the pieces back together is a long and maybe painful process, but you need to make it happen. I've found that to be truly happy, you need to make peace with yourself and who you are before anything else. And you need to embrace who you are, even with all those little things that nag at you at 2am.

I used to think that someone else's love would built me up, but that's not the case. One of my relationships dissolved mainly because I was too broken and my significant other was too overwhelmed with trying to fix me when all I did was crawl into my deepest, darkest hiding places.

And this is why you need to love yourself first.
You need to be the one who picks you up when you're sitting in the shower crying, who wraps you in a warm towel and makes you some tea.
You need to be the person who can take care of you in the best way possible, the one who knows when to push you and when to leave it be.

Because falling in love with yourself first doesn't make you vain, or even selfish. It makes you indestructible.



  1. I really love this blog and every young girl should read this because every girl does go through this sometime in her life. Love is so powerful but in order to love anyone else you have to completely love yourself. Completely relate to this post... Love it.

    -Kayla Xx

    1. Reading your comment put the brightest smile on my face! Thank you so much. :) x

  2. This post was honestly so inspirational and I'm sure not only me, but many many other people will relate to it. Thanks for writing it x

  3. Thank you so much! I'm glad that I could bring across a message that's that important to me. :) x

  4. After coming to university, I realized I needed to learn to love myself. I needed to give me and my mental needs time. Also, I needed to constantly reaffirm that I was capable enough to be where I am.
    Shaguna and Kaylee


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