Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Lush Haul: Halloween Edition

Lush is one of my favorite companies. Not only do they not test on animals, openly campaign against testing products on animals and sell vegan products, but besides that, their products are absolutely top-notch. I've never come across a product that I didn't like, and I would pretty much do anything for  their face masks and bath products. Probably even steal a kid's lolipop or ice cream. They're that good.

But do you know what's even better than Lush's products? Their limited edition products. There's nothing like bath bombs that get you into the mood for a festive season, be it Easter, Christmas or Halloween. As Lush have brought out their new, limited products for the latter, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to pick up some of them for myself - and while I sadly didn't manage to get all of them, I'm happy to get to show you my three treasures!

Sparkly Pumpkin (Bubble Bar) 5,95€  

Just how pretty is this bubble bar? It's super glittery - seriously, by merely picking it up you'll find your hand covered in it - and the pumpkin shape makes me want to run to the grocery store and buy a real one. And it smells incredibly - a lot like lime as well as lemon, which I love as the scent doesn't become to overpowering even if you stay in the bath for longer.
What's also great about this little one is that, as it is a bubble bar, you can use it multiple times - depending on how many bubbles you want to create, you'll get at least two or even three uses out of this!

Lord of Misrule (Bath Bomb) 5,25€

I tested Lord of Misrule last fall and absolutely adored it, so I had to get myself another one of these this year as well! Its green outside might look a little bland and boring to you now, but once you drop this bath bomb into the water it'll turn into the most beautiful spectacle ever.
The scent of this one is really rich and prominent - not so much that it's overwhelming, but enough to make most of my flat smell like it for the first few days after purchase. I don't mind that at all, though, because who doesn't want their flat smelling of patchouli, cape jasmine and pepper?

Pumpkin (Bath Bomb) 5,25€

This little guy is the cutests, it's basically a carved pumpkin turned into a bath bomb. I had never seen it before storming into Lush last weekend, so I definitely had to give it a go. I actually don't even know how it'll look once put into the tub as I wanted to be suprise and thus didn't ask for a demo.
It does, however, smell divine - the cinnamon scent reminds me of all sorts of Christmas cookies and cakes, which is kind of funny.

Are you going to pick up any of Lush's - or other brands' - Halloween/fall products?

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  1. Nice post! I have never tried a bath bomb from Lush but that is because I don't really take baths. I love their face masks though especially Don't Look At Me.

  2. I love Lush, I recently went and picked up one of the sparkly pumpkins, the Bowie tribute bubble bar and I decided to finally try the bar shampoo 🙂 xx


  3. I have the Lord of Misrule bath bomb and I can't wait to use it x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness x


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